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MOOD is born

Modern Operability on Damage

Its the name of a team of conservative and restorer specialists  together with art experts, chemists,

diagnosticians and researchers who get together , each in their field of competence, to face problems

concerning multiform works in the contemporary art.


The area of modern and contemporary art is continuously expanding and the objective of MOOD

is to offer a competitive  and leading landmark for restoration, research and precautionary

measures for art works.


The long experience of the team, matured through the restoration of world’s artistic heritage

has allowed them to acquire high specialization in methods, techniques and in the research of materials,

essential for restoration of modern and contemporary art works.


The professionals who take part of MOOD are aware of their vocational training and ability;  this due to

the great knowledge in their field. All above has permitted to develop a sensibility in finding the

objective of the restoration, always respecting the originality of the art work.

This new figure born as a conservative is part of a team of specialists, coordinates and draws from the

various expertises and adds to its own knowledge and experience.

All above increases professionalism and sensibility.

In this contest, it is not actual the image of a restorer as a solitaire figure who operates and decides by its

own;  today this stereotype must change most likely if the art work belongs to modern and contemporary art.

This new version, this new “modus operandi” puts the conservator inside a team with the consciousness

to be an integral part of it where the wealth of experience and the knowledge of each member contributes

to lay out direction lines to observe during the restoration operations of art works.



Associazione Bastioni Associazione per la ricerca e lo studio delle opere d’arte
CF 94128880484 - statuto registrato agenzia delle entrate Firenze 2 il 06/10/2005 5576.serie 30