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Association for the study and research of art works.

foto1The Associazione Bastioni is an Italian registered nonprofit organization based in Florence. Founded in 2005, its principal aim is that of bridging distances between international professional conservators specialized in very specific fields of conservation. In order to achieve this, we develop conservation projects that entail the cooperation of specialized professionals working towards a common goal, as well as seeking funding for our projects. This means that the quality of the services we provide is of an unbeatable standard, both in terms of our conservation treatments as well as how we document and publicize our conservation projects. 
Located in the centre of Florence, in a magnificent medieval palazzo of 120 sq m, the headquarters of the Association Bastioni is a fully furnished working laboratory where resident conservators undertake conservation projects in cooperation with fellow colleagues. Access to computers, digital cameras, microscopes, and other media for documentation, analysis and research are available to all members.

The association is run on the basis of its registered regulatory statute and mission statement and it complies with its own professional code of ethics based on the 1984 code signed by ICOM and UNESCO in Copenhagen. The Association is directed by a board composed of a president, a vice president, a studio manager and a secretary. The board meets once a month to discuss management and organization policies. A yearly meetingis organized for all members where the forthcoming budget and future projects are discussed and accepted. Members interested in undertaking projects within our premises can do so by signing a space usage contract and by declaring to fulfil all statutory requirements as well as Italian Health and Safety regulations. The Association is financed through its memberships and through donations. In 2009 we signed a visitors’ agreement with TAUCK world discovery, an American tour guide for professional bodies, whereby once a week we receive TAUCK visitors on premises and explain the principles of conservation and how a conservation project evolves. Visitors are shown conservators at work and art works in different stages of treatment. The enthusiastic feedback we’ve received from TAUCK and the constant requests to visit our association has made TAUCK one of our most important donors. In 2010 we developed a conservation proposal for the recovery of a 14th century wooden crucifixion executed by the Maestro di Figline and located in the main chapel of the Basilica of Santa Croce. The proposal was awarded €120.000,00 by the generous donors of the American association Friends of Florence. Conservation work on the crucifixion is currently been undertaken by members of the Bastioni association and will be concluded by the end of 2011.
foto2Apart from fomenting an ongoing dialogue between members of the association, we publish a trimester journal on conservation topics, NOVATATREROSSO and organize at least four cultural events per annum. Events organized by us include the presentation of conservation projects undertaken by our members as well as the organization of art exhibitions. In 2010 we organized the Bastioni Debates at the International Conservation and Restoration Fair of Florence and we inaugurated the Bastioni Library, a conservation library located in a well known Florentine café. Books for our library are donated by members of the association as well as by external donors. We were also actively involved in publishing TIPS, Nardini Editore, a book written both in Italian and English which gives Tips to conservators and professionals working in the field of art conservation. One of our policies is to encourage our members to publish and divulge conservation related articles. Activities organized by our association has attracted a great deal of interest from behalf of the general media who have extensively publicized our initiatives. Projects, publications and events organized by us are published on our web site, on facebook and on youtube, respecting privacy and publication regulations

Associazione Bastioni Associazione per la ricerca e lo studio delle opere d’arte
CF 94128880484 - statuto registrato agenzia delle entrate Firenze 2 il 06/10/2005 5576.serie 30